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Nuclear Bomb ( - IndigoValley - Licencja: Attribution (

Apollo 11 ( - purpleslog - Licencja: Attribution (

U.S. Air Force Minotaur 1 Rocket ( - NASA Goddard Photo and Video - Licencja: Attribution (

Un-Launched Sputnik era satellite ( - Tydence - Licencja: Attribution (

NASA Rocket Successfully Launched January 11 ( - NASA Goddard Photo and Video - Licencja: Attribution (

Grand Slam bombs awaiting delivery ( - Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums - Licencja: No known copyright restrictions (







The term Space Race refers to the efforts and improvements in space technologies on both the U.S. and Soviet sides. By initiating increased funding and research, both countries sought to out-do each other in the race to space. The Soviets would accomplish launching the first satellite into space, Sputnik I.

Apollo 11 was the space mission conducted by the United States, effectively putting the first man on the moon. Launched on July 20, 1969, the landing on the moon was seen as the peak of the space race. It also, however, brought about detente, or peaceful times between the Soviets and U.S. in terms of their relations.

"ICBMs" is the acronym used to describe intercontinental ballistic missiles, or missiles that could be launched between one continent and another. These types of weapons helped increase fear, as well as pushes by both the Soviets and Americans to increase their defenses and weaponry.

The Arms Race refers to the efforts by both the Soviet Union and United States to increase, and advance, their arms. In particular, it was a race of nuclear weaponry that defined the Cold War. The race in increasing arms led to even further tension, and fear, of nuclear attacks and threats between the two nations.

Nuclear weapons function off of nuclear reactions, and are considered weapons of mass destruction. The U.S. dropped two nuclear atom bombs on Japan in 1945, and both the U.S. and Soviet Union aimed to stockpile and create as many devastating weapons as possible. This also, however, led to the realization of mutually-assured destruction.

Sputnik I is the name of the Soviet satellite launched in 1959. It was the first orbiting satellite ever launched, and was considered a great achievement by the Soviets. However, in relation to the Cold War, it increased tensions and fears of a Soviet attack and overall Soviet domination. It also increased America's efforts to improve its space programs.


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