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Oh, Juliet I already know about your sad situation, it's a problem I can't solve, you must marry Paris on Thursday, there's nothing I can do to stop it
oh, shut the door, and after you shut it come cry with me, this mess is beyond fixing
Don't tell me you've heard about this marriage, Friar, unless you are wise and kind enough to help, I'll solve this myself (she pulls out a knife)
You married Romeo and I, I can't marry another man, before I have to, I'll kill myself... You are wise, give me some advice. If their isn't another solution then I'll end my life.
Hold on Juliet, I see some hope. If you have made up your mind to kill yourself instead of marrying Paris, then you'll probably be willing to try something like death to solve this problem.
You can tell me to jump off a tower, or walk down a crime-ridden street, or sit with poisonous snakes, or chain me up with wild bears, I will do it without fear for my sweet love, Romeo
Hold on then Juliet, go home, be cheerful, and tell them that you agree to marry Paris. Tomorrow night make sure you are alone
Hold on then Juliet, go home, be cheerful, and tell them that you agree to marry Paris. Tomorrow night make sure you are alone, when you're in bed take this vial and mix its contents with liquor and drink it.
You won't be able to move and it will make you seem like you are dead, your skin will be cold, and your pulse will stop
On Thursday when Paris comes to get you, you will seem dead. You will have a open coffin funeral. I'll send Romeo word of plan. He'll come here and wait for you to wake up. This plan will free you, don’t get scared and change your mind
Juliet enters
Well look, she's come home from confession with a happy look on her face
so my stubborn daughter, where have you been
I went to confession where I learned that being disobedient to my father is a sin. Father Lawrence told me to fall on my knees and ask for forgiveness. Please forgive me for now on I'll do anything you say
Send for Paris. Go tell him about this. I'll make this wedding happen tomorrow morning
I met the young man at Lawrence's cell. I treated him with proper love as well as I could while still being humble.
Well I'm glad about this, this is good. Stand up. This is the way it should be. I want to see Paris. Go and bring him here
Juliet stands up
Dang it they're all gone. Guess I'll have to walk by myself to Paris to get him ready for the wedding tomorrow. My heart is wonderfully happy because this troubled girl will now be married.