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  • World History After 1500Ms. Heep
  • Ms. Heep: Hi class! Over the course of this year, we will enlist the 5 C's, which are context, change over time, causality, contingency, and complexity, in order to analyze primary and secondary sources and to create and defend historical arguments.
  • Ms. Heep: Let's begin with context. Context helps to "set the scene" of the source that one is analyzing by providing details such as the setting, time, economic and political conditions, and any social or religious movements that may have been occurring, so that one is able to better understand the event being discussed.
  • Ms. Heep: Your first assignment is to read the letters from Columbus as a part of our unit on the Columbian Exchange. Don't forget to read your notes first!
  • Lindsay: Will do!
  • That night...
  • Letters from Columbus
  • Lindsay: I think I'll just skip the notes. I already know that Columbus discovered America!
  • Lindsay: Wow! It says here that the Native Americans believed that Columbus and his men were sent to them from Heaven and were very affectionate towards him!
  • Lindsay: The source even says that Columbus forbid his men to give the Natives invaluable items in exchange for valuable items, and that Columbus gave whatever he had to those he approached.
  • The next morning...
  • Taylor: It's crazy how Columbus made it sound like he treated the Natives well in comparison to what really happened!
  • Morgan: I know right!
  • Lindsay: What are they talking about...
  • Ms. Heep: Would anyone like to get up and share their thoughts about Columbus with the class?
  • Lindsay: I will!
  • Lindsay: I believe that Columbus was a generous man, and that the Natives were better off by coming into contact with him and his men!
  • Taylor & Morgan: Are we talking about the same Columbus?
  • Ms. Heep: Lindsay, you obviously didn't read the notes. Otherwise, you would know that, during the 15th and 16th centuries, Europeans killed, enslaved, and brought diseases to many Natives in the Americas.
  • Ms. Heep: The notes would've given you the context you needed to better understand that Columbus was attempting to deceive those that he was writing to. 
  • Lindsay: You're completely right. Knowing the context of the situation completely changed my perspective!
  • Ms. Heep: Keep that in mind with your future assignments!
  • A few months later...
  • Class: Yes ma'am!
  • Ms. Heep: That should end our unit on new imperialism. To clarify, Lindsay and John were absent today, correct?
  • New Imperialism in the 19th & 20th Centuries
  • That night...
  • Read The White Man's Burden and be prepared to share your thoughts with the class.
  • Lindsay: I hate that I missed class today. Let me see what assignments are due tomorrow.
  • The White Man's Burden
  • Lindsay: Wow! It says here that the imperialists helped feed and heal the sicknesses of their captives and were still judged. How unfair!
  • The next morning...
  • Ms. Heep: Would anyone like to get up and share their thoughts about the assigned reading with the class?
  • Lindsay: I will!
  • Lindsay: I believe that the American imperialists get a bad wrap, and that they were simply trying to help those that they controlled.
  • Taylor & Morgan: She can't be serious...
  • Ms. Heep: The lecture would've given you the context you needed to better understand that the imperialists didn't necessarily have pure intentions. They wanted to civilize those that they viewed as savages or "half devil half child."
  • Ms. Heep: Lindsay, you missed the mark on this one. Imperialists at the time did believe that they were "helping," but they were actually forcing assimilation onto their captives by making them abandon their native religions, languages, and cultures for those that the Europeans valued.
  • Wow! That's the second time this year that not knowing the context of the time period caused me to view the readings in a completely different light. I'll be sure to read with historical context in mind in the future.
  • Lindsay: Thanks. Sounds great!
  • Taylor & Morgan: Lindsay, why don't we catch you up on the lecture during lunch?
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