"Before the first morning was over, Miss Caroline Fisher, our teacher, hauled me up to the front of the room and patted the palm of my hand with a ruler, then made me stand in the corner until noon."( Page 21) This is important to the development of the text because it shows you that Jean does not like school. The reason she docent like school is not just because of her teacher but it also the things people are saying about her dad. They are calling him names and the mask her mad so she gets in fights with people. This is a lot for her to handle at her young age.
Atticus's Job
"The tire bumped on gravel, skeetered across the road, crashed into a barrier and popped me like a cork onto the pavement."(Page 50) This is important to the development of the text because this is the first time that Jean touched the Radley house. The tire had token her straight to the Ridley steps. This made Jem, Jean, and Dill all very scared because they thought they were going to die. They thought this because a myth said that if you got near the house Boo Ridley would come and kill you.
Mrs. Dubose Dies
In Miss Maudie's story she tells Jean that Boo Radley is alive. " I know he's alive, Jean Louise, because I haven't seemed him carried out yet." ( Page 57) This is important to the devilment of the Plot because this is what gets Jean interest in Boo Ridley. After she figures this out she starts to try and find him and see him . This is also when she starts to tell Jem about it and scare Jim and make him interested. This was what started the wanting to meet Boo Radley and mess with him and see if he will actually hurt them.
Calpurnia takes the kids to church
"We thought it was better to go under the high wire fence the rear of the Radley lot, we stood less chance of being seen."(Page 69) This is important to the devolment of the plot because it is when they first see the inside the Radley house. Also, it is the first time that Jem realized that the Radley's weren't that bad. They fixed his pants and it seemed to him like they knew it was Jem and that he was going to come back and get them. So this was the first time that Jem and Jean realized that the Radley's might not be as bad as they thought.
Reverend Sykes takes up money
"Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn't know it when he put the blanket around you."(Page 96) This is important to the devolvement of the text because it is the first time that Boo Ridley actually interacted with them. This made Jem very curious about Boo Radley. Jem was so curious because the whole town said he was a bad guy and that he walked around killing people and eating animals. So this made him think if the things people were saying were completely true.
Aunt Alexandra moves in
"The only thing we've got is a black man's word against the Ewell's. The evidence boils down to you did--I didn't."(Page 117) This is important to the devilment of the test because this is why jean and the reader figure out here is something going on with Atticus's job. Atticus's job is a lawyer but he is defending black man and in that time it wasn't very praised upon. He was working for a black man and that is why he was being called all those harsh names. SO this tells us a huge part of why Jean and Jet are having all these problems with adults and kids calling them names.
"If you hadn't fallen into her hands, I'd have made you go read to her anyway. It may have been some distraction."(Page 148) This is important to the development of the text because it taught a lesson to Jem. It taught him just because the views of a person doesn't mean they were a bad perosn. Mrs. Dubose had her own views but she was a good lady and that is what Atticus was able to teach Jem from her dyeing. Just because she was against what Atticus was for dosen't been you hould hate her. You don't have to like her but you always have to respect her.
Candy Box
When Calpurnia takes the kids to church it not only taught them a lesson about how black people lived but also taught Scout about Calpurnia's double life. When Lula came up to them Calpurnia talked as scout says in "Negro talk" but when she is around just them she talks the normal or right way. This showed Scout how Calpurnia doesn't just go home and do nothing she has kids of her own that she has to take care of. "made Scout soap all over twice, drew fresh water in the tub for each rinse..., stuck her head in the basin and washed it with Octagon soap and Castile." Page
When Scout is in Church Reverend Sykes says he is taking up money for Helen, Tom Robinson's wife. He is doing this because Tom is in jail and Helen is having problems with feeding her kids and herself. This incident showed Scout how bad it was for Helen and how much it was affecting her from her husband being in jail because her kids could starve and die. "Reverend Sykes waved his hand and called to someone in the back of the church. “Alec shut the doors. Nobody leaves here till we have ten dollars.”
When Aunt Alexandra moves in it teaches Scout many lessons but also causes Scout many problems. One of Aunt Alexandra's main reasons for moving in was "Feminine Influence" for Scout. The reason she wants Scout to make for ladies in her life is that Scout acts more like a guy than a girl she wears overalls and doesn't speak as a lady should speak. This makes Scout mad because she thinks she has enough "Feminine influence" from Calpurnia and Scout feels as if she is having to act like someone she is not. "Put my bag in the front bedroom, Calpurnia." "Jean Louise, stop scratching your head."Page 140
Aunt Alexandra lectures
Atticus gets warned
"Gentle Breeding"
Dill Can Stay
Atticus gets Threatened
"FIne Folks" this is one of Aunt Alexandra's lectures she tells Scout about where she is from and how genrations before her where brought up. This causes lots of conflict for scout because it makes scout wonder if she wants to live up to be like generations before her, or if she wants to have her own views and looks on things. "Aunt Alexandra was of the opinion … that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was." Page 143
Mayella on stand
It it is important to the development of the text that Atticus gets warned because with is foreboding that something is going to happen in the future. Also while all this is happening Scout and Jem are watching and they see how it is effecting Atticus and the people around him. They also come to a conclusion that they know some of the people in The group and they can’t believe they would be acting this way. Scout starts to worry about Atticus even more than she already was.. "it’s that Old Sarum bunch I’m worried about." page 194
Tom Declared Guilty
"Your Aunt has asked me to try and press upon you and Jean Louise that you are not from run-of-mill people, that you are the product of several generations gentle breeding."( Page 177) This is important to the development of the text because it shows how Aunt Alexandra is wanting to change things and make them grow up. Why Atticus is telling them not to worry about it. But at the same time Aunt Alexandra is trying to change Atticus's mind about trying them to act and become gentlemen, and ladies.
Bob Ewell spits in Atticus's face
"Why do you reckon Boo Radleys never run off?" (Page 192) This is important to the Development of the text because Dill is very interested in Boo Radley. This means that he is going to want and try to find Boo Radley. They already have been trying to find him and mess with him. So now that Dill is there and has more interest then all of them, they are going to start trying to find him and mess with Boo Ridley even more.
Tom Robinson Dies
"Mr. Walter Cunningham's legal affairs were well known to me, Atticus had explained them in length." (Page 204) This is important to the development of the text because it was the first time Jem, and Jean really saw how much people didn't like Atticus's job. Jem was worried something would happen so he made sure that Atticus left with him even though Atticus told them all to leave. This also showed the reader how Atticus's job was going to be a big deal and that it was causing controversy.
Boo Radley saves Scout and Jem
When Mayella Ewell is on stand she starts crying because she thinks that Atticus is insulting her when he calls her ma'ma. This shows how badly she is treated. She doesn't understand how she should be treated because the only man she has in her life is her dad Bob Ewell. Knowing this it foreboded that Bob Ewell actually is the one who raped her not Tom Robinson."I wondered if anybody had ever called her ma'am or 'miss Mayella' in her life; probably not" Page 244
This is important to the development of the text because it is the point in which Jem looses a important innocence of his childhood. Jem would never be able to look at his neighbors the same way because he knew that Atticus should have won because Tom Robinson was innocent and they had actual reasons for him being innocent. So when Tom Robinson was said to be guilty Jem saw how corrupt things were."Tom Robinson's a colored man, Jem. No jury in this part of the world's going to say 'We think you're guilty, but not very' on a charge like that. It was either a straight acquittal or nothing." Page 294
When Bob Ewell spits in Atticus face he says he is going to "get him" if it takes him the rest of his life. This is foreshadowing that something bad might happen. The reason Bob Ewell did this is because he was embarrassed because he knew Atticus was right in the trial. Another thing was that Atticus didn't think anything else would happen after this incident it. This made the reader forebode that something bad was going to happen."if spitting in my face and threatening me saved Mayella Ewell one extra beating," Page 292-293 It was wort it for Atticus.
When Tom Robinson dies it is important to the development of the text because Tom was such a good person in the society that it exposed how crud; and unfair Macomb was as a society. The only thing Tom Robinson did was help Mayella Ewell with housework and that's all. It was terrible because he was innocent. “likened Tom's death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children,”(Page 323) He was saying killing Tom was like killing a mockingbird.
This is important to the devolpment of the text becuase it is when SCout meet Boo Radley face to face for the first time . Also, it is when Scout realizes that Boo Radley had been watching all the events that happened in Macomb and that he wasn't forced to stay inside he chose to. This showed the reader that Atticus was right throughout the whole book there was no need to be scared of Boo Radley he just preferred to be inside. "neighbor's image became blurred with her sudden tears."(Page 362) These are tears of gratitude because she finally got rid of the assumptions she made about Boo and came to feel affection for him.
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