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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • Divorce, Secret.
  • The whole time Brian is thinking about his dad and mom because they got a divorce. He almost started crying a couple of times. Then the pilot starts saying he’s aching but said it was probably just him aging. The pilot started jerking while his eyes turned fully white and it appeared that he was having a heart attack. For the remainder of the trip, Brian is trying to both reach a signal and use the radio so he starts trying to picture the smooth landing of the plane. He realizes he barely has any time to get ready when the plane engine suddenly crashes. Which gave him no time so he was vomiting a lot with the tilted and falling plane. He finally sees an L-shaped lake, but is not sure if he will have enough speed to get there. The plane crashes into the woods at the best time while the forest goes through them, and they land on the lake. Brian is screaming and throwing up, but he manages to unbuckle his seatbelt and swim to the surface. Brian finally makes it to the shore before collapsing.
  • Hatchet
  • Ughhh im aching everywhere but it must just be me aging
  • He remembers that he had been riding his bike with his friend Terry when he saw his mother in a strange car, kissing a man with short blond hair. He was furious. Becoming conscious once again, his entire body aching from the injuries he has sustained during the crash, he falls quickly asleep. The mosquitoes in the area swarm around him and leave him with painful bites on every part of his exposed skin. Gripped by unbelievable thirst and hunger upon awakening, Brian drinks water from the lake while trying to grasp the fact that he has landed there. Brian remembers that he had bumped the wheel when reaching over for the pilot's headset which had most likely rerouted the plane. After that Brian knew that no searching plane would be there until a few days. Sensing imminent panic, Brian works to calm himself, determined to find something to eat and to make a shelter.
  • How could she do that. How long will I be here for?
  • Foreshadowing
  • Gary Paulsen usees foreshadowing when the Pilot says thaat hes aching but thinks just him aging. This is foreshadowing because later on in the story he has a heart attack.
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