I take my time getting to the park on may day because the race is the last thing in the program the biggest thing is the maypole dance I can do without it even though my mom thinks it a shame that I don't act like a girl for change
are you going to give someone else a break
on your mark set go
I always late to may race so I am just in time to get my number pinned on in lay in the grass until the anounce the 50 year dash they call out the 50 yard dash i got up to the line and spread my fingers on the dirt and crouch down
in first place Miss Hazel Elizabeth Deborah Parker
Raymond quite masterd running style I could retire and start a new carrer coach and Raymond as my champ
i turn around and look at gretchen then she congraltes me and we smile at eachother with respect
the shots goes off and i am weight less again i pass all the runners my arms pumping up and down and to the right a blurred gretchen who has her chin jutting out theres the white ribbon in front of me and rip through it greatchen is walking back overshot