Edna, my dear, you must learn to take better care of the children! They're all running fevers!
I'm sorry, Leonce, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I suppose I'll do your duties for you. By the way, I'm leaving in the morning.
I don't know why I feel this way! I love my husband, like I'm supposed to, so why does everything seem wrong? Its like a shadow over everything I do, keeping me from being happy.
The Next Afternoon...
Oh, no... I'm tired, I think not.
I wish to go to the beach with Robert, so why should I have, in the first place, declined?
Care to join me for a swim, Mademoiselle Edna?
I like Robert so much more than my husband... but I am married to him, so there's nothing I can do
Everyone acts like marriage is the most beautiful form of love but to me it just seems restrictive... maybe it would be better if I had a say in the matter.
My marriage to Léonce Pontellier was purely an accident. I fancied there was a sympathy of thought and taste between us, in which fancy I was mistaken.
Everyone acts as if it's normal, so there isn't even anyone to talk to about this.