Hello! My name is is Francisco Vasquez de Cornado. In the year 1540 my men and I went in search for the city of gold. We ended up discovering the Grand Canyon, The Palo Duro Canyon, and the Pacific Ocean but we never found the city of gold. I brought back some valuable information about the region and the indigenous people. But since there was no gold in Texas, the Spanish and I abandoned our northern territory, Texas. Except one country took interest in our area, that's when we realized that we still want Texas.
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Hello My name is Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle. In theyear 1685 I was search for the Missisippi River but instead I arrived at Matagorda Bay. I built a fort called Fort St. Louis on the Texas Coast to claim this region for my country. I was traveling to Mexico to get supplies but my fort was attacked and I was killed by my own men. My presence and the French claim in Texas alarmed the Spanish and they built missions to keep the French out of Texas.
Glida: 3
Hello! My name is Cameron Unterbrunner. In the year 2504, I was the first person to discover the planet Krupane. Once people found out about this, a lot of countries started getting interested in my work and wanted to hire me to go to space and discover stuff for them.