the actors of the play are rehearsing when Puck comes along with an idea
Hey, lets also have a prologe at the start so that the women don't get scared
these are some really weird people... 💡💡💡
what... anyways-
*turns Bottoms head into a Donkey and runs away*
Oh Lord, who is ruining my sleep with their awful singing-oh- wait don't stop sweet human, keep singing. Your voice is so wonderful and so are you. I love to look at you. I love you so much
NO, don't leave. "Servants come here" Please make sure this man feels comfortable and happy.
haha, I think you got the wrong person. I'm just leaving the forest now
Ouu, okayy. Can't say no to that!!
oh no!! Don't worry my lord, I will fix it right away
I would rather feed him to my dogs than find him. But either way, I didn't kill anyone!!
I- ugh. I can't talk to her when she is mad at me, I will take rest here and talk to her in the morning.
YOU! What have you done to my Lysander? Oh god! Have you killed him?! Atleast help me find him!!
I hate you Demetrius, I will go search for my Lysander.*leaves*
Who is making all that noise..
*runs away after putting flower juice into Demetius's eyes*
Helena, I am in love with you not Hermia. Nothing will ever change that!
Stop making fun of me!! It is rude, You do not love me, you love Hermia!!
oh no... what did I do?!no worries, I know how to fix this!
Helena!! My love. I love you so much. You are so beautiful. Lysander, you can have Hermia for I love Helena and only her
I am not lying my love. And to prove it to you, I will fight Lysander and win you!
I love Helena more, not you. I will do whatever it takes for my love, Helena
You have got to be kidding me!! Is this some kind of joke? Why are you teaming up and mocking me. I bet Hermia is apart of this as well!!