I didn't thought that the town was that far. It took me 4 Horus until I was near my home.
Its a bit tight, but it will work.
What I am going to do now Without my family?! I should go home and get supplies to get out of these masacre.
In may way home I found a retain. But they didn't notice that I was not a Janjaweed.
I will take this Janjaweed uniform to camouflage between them and don't get killed.
Good afternoon people.
I am very tired, but I need to get home as fast as posible.
Several weeks passed by; and one day someone shouted.
I decided to take some clothe that I found on the remianings of the fire and went to the nearest town to search for help.
I didn't know if to trust him, but I didn't have anywhere to go.
Come with me. I will show you a save place
We are saved?!
They are here! They are here! We survived!
I didn't see a single soul until I here something.
It was humanity rescue that saved us.
Around here there are 5 more people. We have plenty of resources. Our plan is to wait until rescue comes to get us. You promise to don't go outside and tell anyone about these place?
yes, I promise.
All the people inside the theater was taken into different countries. I was sent to a refugee in London.
5 months later
The second I arrived the refugee I went to take a nap.
I finally bought a brand new house! It looks beautiful!
I can sit outside my house without fearing the Janjaweed taking my life since it started the genocide.