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Mr. John, homework should be banned because we learn what we need to in school, it can be stressful, and it makes it so kids miss out on things they like doing.

Although I respect your opinion I think homework should stay because it helps you work with subjects you might be struggling with, it improves time management, and teaches study habits.

Should Homework Be Banned?

When we are at school shouldn't you be teaching us all that we need, we are there for about 7 hours a day.

Though we do teach what we need to teach at school, it gives kids extra work to improve on their skills that they might be struggling with.

That brings me to my next point. Kids need to have some time to be kids though. If all their time is taken up by doing homework they won't be able to do things such as play sports, hang out with friends, or any other activities that kids like to do.

Yes, but kids need to learn how to spend their time wisely. If a kid just doesn't want to do their homework then that is there fault if they can't go do activities.

Although I respect your opinion I think homework should stay because it helps you work with subjects you might be struggling with, it improves time management, and teaches study habits.

Homework is also very stressful. I know I've stayed up very late before because I was confused on my homework. Do you want kids staying up late and not being ready for the next day at school?

I know it is stressful, but this can teach kids study habits that can be useful in life.

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