Dramatic irony is a storytelling device where the audience or reader knows something crucial about the plot, a character's situation, or impending events that the characters themselves are unaware of. This creates tension or humor as the audience anticipates the outcomes while the characters remain oblivious. It often adds depth to the narrative and can lead to powerful or surprising moments when the characters finally discover what the audience already knows.
اشرح المفارقة
اشرح المفارقة
ما القارئ يعرف
ما القارئ يعرف
ما تفكر فيه أو تقوله الشخصيات
ما تفكر فيه أو تقوله الشخصيات
أضف عنوانًا هنا
اشرح المفارقة
ما القارئ يعرف
ما تفكر فيه أو تقوله الشخصيات
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