Theater is the literary genre made up of the set of dramatic works conceived for representation on the stage. The stage is any space intended solely for the representation of the various performing arts or used for public events. The actor is a person who interprets a role, it is about an individual who puts himself in the shoes of a character, that is, who plays to represent the life of another subject. History is an instrument to tell what happens to the society of his time..
It's okay, teacher Sebastian , between comedy, tragedy, singing and silent theater, what caught my attention the most was THE COMEDY.
After watching the video and doing a little research, it was the genre that I liked the most because it is based on the art of making people laugh and this makes problems forget or become a little smaller, seeing them from joy and for Generally, the stories told in the comedy genre have a happy ending.
But Tomás tell us which genre catches your attention the most and why?
Glida: 2
Giving a clear example of this generation, we can find the jesters for whom their job was to provoke laughter and entertain the kings or monarchs of the time. So I think they were brave since they dared to criticize the kings and princes, making it entertaining through the art of laughter.
hahahahaha how fun
Glida: 3
It was born linked to the Christian religious ceremonial, with the aim of making the transmission of the doctrine more understandable and dynamic. The first samples consist of short texts with music that were added to the liturgy and that over time became dialogued.
religious theater play
Within the religious theater I was able to observe that it was born with the objective of making the functions of the Catholic Church more understandable and joyful and, in the process, attracting more audiences to the faith by taking advantage of the scenic and dramatic resources that the theater offered to transmit the biblical message.
Glida: 4
And finally I say goodbye with these drawings within this comic, where I want to represent what I imagine for sadness, happiness, fun, mourning and spectator. THANK YOU ALL
Woohoo! What an emotional show!
Glida: 0
Hello friends my name is Tomás Fominaya, and I will tell you the history of theater, but first, what is theater, the stage, the actor and the story? so that we understand better.