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Rural vs Urban areas

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Rural vs Urban areas
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  • Come Emma, sit here let me tell you the difference.
  • Dad, What is the difference between rural and urban areas ?
  • First, the population density of rural areas are less than urban areas.
  • WoW, I did not knew that. Well that's one point for my homework
  • Second, the urban areas have , High standard of living and fast paced life, but the rural areas have - Low standard of living and peaceful life
  • Thank you dad, another point for my homework.
  • Third, Ahh I don't remember more, " Phone rings " . OH, the technology is advanced in urban areas and in Rural areas have more natural resources and events.
  • Yes, dad. When I visited a village with mom  I noticed that all the people there were using the natural resources.
  • Emma, now do u know the differences between rural and urban areas right ?
  • Yes dad, I understood. Thank you sooo much for helping me in my homework. Now my teacher is gonna be happy when she sees my homework.
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