Let's go they won't help attack us with the French or Spanish!
Let's go they will help protect us from invaders!
What did the British do?
Give us your land!
The British came to the New World and met the Cherokee. Once they found out they were close with the other European countries that came to the New World they signed a peace treaty with each other. The Cherokee believed the British hade came to become friends.
The Second Attack
This is going to be our land now!
When the treaty was made the Cherokee believed Britain came to protect them and become friends. But Britain did it to make sure the Cherokee don't attack them alongside the French or the Spanish. These two ideas though may sound similar turned out to be very different.
What Happened After The 2nd Attack?
We are friends now.
When the Cherokee were being attacked they thought that the British would come in to support them. But when they were attacked the British were nowhere to be found. This was because they didn't think they had to defend them. Because they only made a peace treaty and it didn't say they had to protect them.
End of the British/Cherokee War
Later the French and other Native Americans attacked the Cherokee. The Cherokee asked the BRitish to help them but they didn't. This led to the Cherokee to become angry with the British. This led to the Cherokee talking with the French to become allies with them.
After the 2nd attack the Cherokee became allies with the French. They also led their own attack on the British by themselves. This didn't go to well because the British won the war easily. This led to all of the relationships between the British and Cherokee to end.
After the British/Cherokee war the British gained a lot of the Cherokee land. They also kept pushing the Cherokee further away from their original land. The Cherokee were moved out of South Carolina and into North Carolina. After this the British continued to take more of their land over time.