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Wow! that's great! And what are your plans after that?

I will get enrolled at Harvard and major in Political Science then I will become President to actually make a change in our country.

He believed that once we have satisfied the basal needs we turn our attention to the next need higher up the pyramid.

ah I see. So, we would then be motivated to fulfill those unmet needs.

Right! and these could be arranged into a hierarchy. Whereas some are basic needs and others are more elevated needs.

Oh, this is what I remember; Maslow's theory was that human needs could be grouped together into broad classes,

Take me for example; in my class I made sure I achieved good grades so I could run for class president-

But that is actually all I remember.

Hello! Long time no see! how is College?

...above that is the social/belonging needs, then Esteem needs and at the very apex is Self actualization.

Right! now, do you know the stages?

At the bottom there is the physiological needs then above that is Safety security needs.

Which I achieved already and I am now aiming to graduate as valedictorian of the entire school.

I need to Pass this exam. I need this

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