This is the Bubonic plague / The black Death back in the 1340s -1350s
And I, myself is a plague doctor
This place I'm in is filling with infected people that have the Bubonic plague. It also looks like everyone is staying in there houses so they don't get infected.
The Bubonic Plague
I'm staying indoors so i don't get infected
This church used to be filled with people but as soon the Bubonic plague started they closed the doors shut.
This is the Coronavirus/Covid-19. this happened 2019-Now. You may be questioning how did this start? Well it started in Wuhan, Hubei Providence.When patients started to experience shortness of breath and fever.
When walking around you can see many and I mean many boards covering doors.
For example, In March before spring break they decided to let us go out of school for 2 weeks. Then every store started to close there doors because it was getting a little bit too serious.
Coronavirus/ Covid-19
How the black plague and Covid-19 are not related is because fleas carried the black plague around instead of coughing and spreading it to each other
For example, the coronavirus is spread by not fleas but by touching each other and coughing on each other.