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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • The ultimate battle between Paleolithic and Neolithic
  • NO! The Neolithic age is better.
  • The Paleolithic age is the best out of them all
  • in the paleolithic age people often moved around and became nomads because their food suply was not dependable or stable.They would only have access to animals and plants around them
  • Unlike the paelolithic age the food suply in the Neolithic age was stable because they learned about agriculture like growing crops which allowed them to build permanet shelters. Also they learned how to domesticate animals and grow crops to have access to meat,milk,and other things
  • In the paleolithc age we didnt have a stable or dependable food supply so we always had to move so we had to find either caves or rough tent like structures to survive.
  • Unlike the paleolithc age we had a stable food supply which allowed us to make permanent shelters whoch protects us from weather and animals
  • By Quinten and Lex
  • This change was important because it allowed people in the Neolithic age to get food safely to be able to make permenatnt shelters.
  • This change was important because they werent affected by weather or animals. This allowed them to find new ways to cook. Also, this allowed us to live more comfortably.
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