2 Ill see if the power is still on on Floral Street.
Glida: 2
1 They don't want us to leave. That's why they shut everything off. It's always that way, in every story I ever read about a ship.
3 Tommy, come over here and stop that kind of talk.
4 Go ahead, Tommy. We'll be right back. And you'll see. That wasn't any ship or anything like it. That was just a ...a meteor or something. Mentors can do some crazy things like sunspots.
2 They sent four people to earth. A mother, a father, and two kids. They all turned out to be aliens!
5 Sure. That's the kind of thing-like sunspots.
Glida: 3
2. You all saw me try to start the car but it wouldn't start. You saw me. You all saw me.
5. That's exactly what he does. Why, this whole thing is madness.
4. I don't understand..I swear..I don't understand, what's happening? I'm guilty of insomnia! I have trouble sleeping at night! I look at the stars!
6. Yea...madness.
1 His car started all by itself. He wasn't anywhere near it.
3. I see Mr. Goodman in the wee hours of the morning looking up at the sky. It's as if he were waiting for something..