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How to get your parents attention

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How to get your parents attention
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  •  Gwen is an only child in her first year of university and her parents are both successful lawyers, which means they are very busy and don't have a lot of time for her. Gwen schedules weekly coffee dates with her mom to try and talk and spend some time with her. But her mom can't even give Gwen 10 minutes of attention.
  • Gwen, I don't have time for this right now!
  • Conflict Crime
  • oh okay, I'm sorry mom.
  • Mom, I got a 96% on my physics test!!
  • I hope she's proud of me
  • Hey Mom and Dad, like my new hair?
  • All Gwen wants is have her parents attention for once in her life. So, she decides to dye her hair pink. This is an example of a social diversion. All Gwen wants is a mild reaction to know and feel like her parents care about her. But what she gets instead is that her parents still don't care.
  • Yup. Looks fine Gwen.
  • I wonder if she noticed I didn't even look at her?
  • Social Diversions
  • I couldn't care less what Gwen does with her hair. I'm way too busy for this!
  • Gwen has decided to kick her deviance up a notch. Gwen went into her anatomy final and is cheating off of the person behind her. Gwen isn't even trying to hide it, she hopes she gets caught because that means she will get kicked out of university, and finally get her parent's attention. Gwencheating off another classmate is an example of a social deviation. Gwen knows that the professor, students, and her parents will find this deviant, but the only consequence she will pay is getting kicked out of university which other people may view as no big deal.
  • I'm Going to cheat off Billy I hope the professor notices!
  • social deviation
  • Professor, Gwen is cheating off me!!
  • UH OH, Gwen is totally going to get kicked out of university. 
  • Gwen's parents didn't even blink when they found out she was kicked out of university. So, Gwen has decided she is going to keep doing crazy things until her parents notice her, no matter how crazy her actions get. Gwen is underage and is going down a dark road of drinking and smoking marijuana. This is an example of a conflict crime, what Gwen is doing is illegal but there are worse crimes than the use of alcohol and drugs underage.
  • my parents are totally going to care now that I am underage drinking and doing drugs
  • Gwen has reached her breaking point. Her parents don't care, she feels like they don't love her. Gwen is now committing an armed robbery at her local bank. This is an example of a consensus crime, there is no debate what Gwen is doing is very bad and there will be consequences.
  • Please don't hurt me!! I'm just a bank teller!!!
  • Gwen was charged as an adult because she is 17 years old. Gwen is now faced with a 5-year sentence in prison. Gwen has lost everything, her education, her parents, people's respect, and now her freedom. All of these terrible decisions she made have landed her here. She was neglected by her parents her whole life. Her parents finally paid attention to her, but now it's too late, the damage is done.
  • At least I got my parents attention now!
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