One warm morning, a young man that goes by the name of Jericho was walking down the streets between Mango Hill and Kallangur
As Jericho was walking he decided to take a short-cut through an area in Kallangur he was unfamiliar with
The mysterious man walked away and left Jericho to suffer
A nurse then walked past and also didn't help poor Jericho
The caring criminal then continues to walk Jericho to his house in Kallangur
One warm morning, a young man that goes by the name of Jericho was walking down the streets between Mango Hill and Kallangur
As Jericho was walking he decided to take a short-cut through an area in Kallangur he was unfamiliar with
The mysterious man walked away and left Jericho to suffer
A nurse then walked past and also didn't help poor Jericho
The caring criminal then continues to walk Jericho to his house in Kallangur
One warm morning, a young man that goes by the name of Jericho was walking down the streets between Mango Hill and Kallangur
As Jericho was walking he decided to take a short-cut through an area in Kallangur he was unfamiliar with
The mysterious man walked away and left Jericho to suffer
A nurse then walked past and also didn't help poor Jericho
The caring criminal then continues to walk Jericho to his house in Kallangur
One warm morning, a young man that goes by the name of Jericho was walking down the streets between Mango Hill and Kallangur
As Jericho was walking he decided to take a short-cut through an area in Kallangur he was unfamiliar with
The mysterious man walked away and left Jericho to suffer
A nurse then walked past and also didn't help poor Jericho
The caring criminal then continues to walk Jericho to his house in Kallangur
One warm morning, a young man that goes by the name of Jericho was walking down the streets between Mango Hill and Kallangur
As Jericho was walking he decided to take a short-cut through an area in Kallangur he was unfamiliar with
The mysterious man walked away and left Jericho to suffer
A nurse then walked past and also didn't help poor Jericho
The caring criminal then continues to walk Jericho to his house in Kallangur
One warm morning, a young man that goes by the name of Jericho was walking down the streets between Mango Hill and Kallangur
As Jericho was walking he decided to take a short-cut through an area in Kallangur he was unfamiliar with
The mysterious man walked away and left Jericho to suffer
A nurse then walked past and also didn't help poor Jericho
The caring criminal then continues to walk Jericho to his house in Kallangur
One warm morning, a young man that goes by the name of Jericho was walking down the streets between Mango Hill and Kallangur
As Jericho was walking he decided to take a short-cut through an area in Kallangur he was unfamiliar with
The mysterious man walked away and left Jericho to suffer
A nurse then walked past and also didn't help poor Jericho
The caring criminal then continues to walk Jericho to his house in Kallangur