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Veeti - Hero story

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Veeti - Hero story
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  • Hi, I am Ryan. I am 18 years old. I study at the University of Los Angeles. My master is computer science in University. I am living in my downtown top floor apartment.
  • Today is my 18th birthday and ofcourse I am going to celebrate my birthday. I have already rented the party place. Party place is one of the most expensive villas in the town. I have also invited lot my friends and school mates there. It will be party of the year.
  • The party just begins. Suddenly FBI to call me. They tell that I must go save the world. My celebrations stop immediately. I must go to save the world.
  • Okay let's go
  • Okay Ryan it is time to leave our office
  • Let's go in my office
  • Ryan arrives to the FBI office. Someone in this planet plans to build a weapon which can destroy the world. This person hates living here in the earth and annoys the people of the earth. The weapon is called Big Gun. Big gun can Blow up the world. It is death Star type weapon and the guns official name is M.E.G.A.
  • Nice to meet you Ryan. Now we need to start the mission. Our mission is to destroy a Big Gun. We have only little information available of the Big Gun. We know that someone try to destroy the world with Big Gun. Your part in this mission is to figure out what is the Big Gun, how it works and then you have to destroy it. Do you understand your mission?
  • yes
  • Good thing is that we have still have time to save the world. Our villain needs still time to finish the weapon. Weapon is not ready yet, but it will be ready soon. Are you ready?
  • Yes, let’s go
  • The FBI thinks that Ryan could save the world because he has extra ordinary IT skills and photography memory. Ryan tries think how he can solve out this problem. Suddenly he realizes something.
  • Excuse me boss. I can not do this alone. I need help from someone
  • Well, do you have any idea from whom.
  • Actually, I have. I can ask a couple of my friends.They are just now at my birthday party. Is it ok?
  • You can invite your friends if we cannot invent a better option.
  • Actually you are right. You can invite your friends. I send a car pick up your friends.
  • But boss we do not have time invent better option. I think this is the best option. I know my friends and I can trust them.
  • Okay guy it is time to leave our office
  • Nice to see you guys. Listen carefully. Yours must go to New York to find the villain. We know the place where villain might be now. Once you have found the villain you have to follow him to the place where gun is.
  • Let's go
  • Ryan got his friends invited and now everyone is in the office
  • Outside of FBI office is waiting a helicopter. Guys jump to the helicopter and start they journey. Finally, the guys arrive the New York and they are ready to start the mission.
  • Ryan and his friends James, Jack and Will are eating. While they are eating, Ryan sees a suspicious-looking person out from the window.
  • Guys, I guessI find villain.
  • Really, where it is.
  • Outdoor, he walks towards the food store.
  • Let's go
  • Ryan and his friends decide to leave the restaurant in the middle of the dinner. They decide to chase the suspect person. However, not all things went as in the movies. Ryan catches this person, but the person was a 75-year-old old man who was going to the food store.
  • The boys also had other problem because no one paid for restaurant food. Restaurant owner call the police. Boys don’t have time solve this problem with police. They decide ran away.
  • They ran 5 blocks away and police could not find them. They face with the next problem. All boys left their phones and wallets to restaurant. Boys were without money and phones. Boys cannot take contact to FBI because phones had security line. All other phones and devices are in the hotel other side of the city.
  • The boys were looking for a place somewhere to sleep and eventually the boys ended up sleeping in a tunnel. They don’t want to go to the hotel because police might be after them.
  • James wake up in the morning and he heard strange sound. Sound come from drain channel. He wakes up other guys. These sounds match to the testing sound of the big gun
  • They go to drain tunnel closer of the sound. They start hearing people voice from air channel. Now they are sure where big gun is.
  • The boys return to back hotel, but the police are there. Boys cannot pick up their equipment from hotel.
  • Boys should make a new plan.
  • Guys we need to make our own plan now. We do not listen what the FBI tells us. We just do as I say. Understood?
  • understood
  • We know that the villain is trying to destroy the world with a big gun. The FBI plan was to blow up it with a big laser gun. We are not able to use the laser gun now. We are planning to blow up the big gun with C-4 bombs.
  • How we can do that?
  • Without money?
  • We need to go shopping bombs and all other equipment.
  • Yes, next night we break into the weapon storeand electronic store. Guys let us start plan.
  • The service men will go for the last time to the building at 10 p.m. Ryan and Jack will go in together. They will get the wrong IDs and service men's work suits. Other guys will work with computers to secure Ryan’s way to the big gun. Jack eliminate downstairs’ security men after get in. Ryan will make then the mission alone according the plan.
  • Time is 10pm. Ryan and Jack are going into the building as service men. Now it is time for the young man to stay in the history books.Ryan’s need to use his photography memory to find big gun. Lay out of the building is like a labyrinth. Ryan’s has his computers and bombs with him.
  • Big Gun start it mission at midnight - Time 2 hours left.
  • Ryan face many security men, but security men ignore him he has a ID
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