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the conspirators plan

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the conspirators plan
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  • Yes my Lord
  • Exposition
  • you can tell Cassius  and the other that we can meet up later to night. 
  • inciting Action
  • we have to come up with a plan so Caesar don't be king
  • Rising Action
  • we should kill Caesar and Antony and kill two birds in one fly
  • yes that's a good idea
  • I do not agree with this 
  • A group of Rome people called the conspirators are people of hate Caesar who is about to be king of Rome. This group of conspirators, fear that he will take advantage of the power he's going to have once his crown. The scene start at Brutus office.
  • Climax
  • I  disagree with this because when Caesar is killed,  Antony will be nothing without  Caesar by his side.
  • The conspirators meet up at night where there no one around with dark cloaks. The conspirators are Brutus, Cassius, Casa, Cinna, Metellus Cimber Decius Brutus, and Trebonius. 
  • Falling Action
  • The conspirators are discussing about who and where to kill Caesar and Antony because they don't want Caesar to be king and think that  they should kill Antony in the proses of it as well. 
  • Resolution 
  • yes, that is true, okay we will go with just killing Caesar and Caesar alone.
  • yes, we agree
  • Brutus does not agree with the conspirators about killing Antony. Since Antony did not do nothing but be Caesar's friend.
  • At this point Brutus try's to help Antony to not be killed by the conspirators. Also, explain to the conspirators that that when Caesar is killed Antony will be nothing.
  • As the meeting comes to an end, all the conspirators agree too it. Decius assures to bring Caesar and Caesar alone to the capital, and agree to meet at Caesar's in the morning.
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