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Vietnam war

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Vietnam war
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  • Begging of Operation Apache Snow, late May 1969. 
  • Yes Sir! 
  • Alright Gentlemen, We need you to secure this rice paddy and scout ahead for any VietCong Traps. Am I understood?
  • In the mid-spring of 1969, I was stationed in Da Nang with my mate Private 2nd class Cole Averella. His name was Cole, but everybody called him ACE because of his poker cheating habit.
  • My name Is John Hughs and I am a  Corporal For the United States Military and our forces fighting in Nam. When Apache Snow began, everything changed
  • I was leading Ace through a paddy just hours after I had received the orders. We were looking for traps and soldiers, but we had no idea what we were actually going to discover
  • Watch my ass Ace! This place is very dangerous
  • We had to take the risk. I could not let him die because he could be a spy. He looked less than 10 
  • Oh My god! Ace look! Its a kid. We need to get him back to camp now! he is all alone out here he will die in hours 
  • As we walked carefully, we came across a child all alone. they were crying very loudly.
  • It could be a trap Hughs 
  • Tôi tên là Nguyễn, bố mẹ tôi đã mất.
  • Are you okay? What is your name? do you speak english?
  • We need to get him back to camp and to the translator. We can find this kid's parents. 
  • Slow down man. breathe. 
  • I new I had to change My actions. the innocent Vietnamese civilians had suffered too much in our patriotic war.
  • We began our journey home, trying to get the kid home. Or at least back to base. I felt like we had committed so many atrocities to these people and I would not let abandoning this kid be one of them.
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