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Carrot Catastrophe

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Carrot Catastrophe
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Hoopaloong and his family and evil chef people

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  • Hoopaloong
  • Ma Loong 
  • Ba Loong
  • .
  • Hoopaloong. The first character in the game. He has four health bars, which means he can get away from the chef four times before it's game over and you have to restart from the kitchen. If you double jump you get a carrot board. You can have five carrot boards at a time and you can collect more on the track. Only weakness is knifes.
  • Sas Loong
  • Ma LoongHoopaloong's wife and the second character in the game. She has four and a half hearts which means you can get caught four times without getting hurt and then a bonus life. That means if she crashes once she lives, any other time GAME OVER! She has handbag boards which are the same as carrot boards. You can switch from Hoopaloong the Ma Loong if you wish as you can switch from the two boards. Only weakness is red lipstick, pink is her favorite.
  • Food Loong
  • Ba Loong.Son of Hoopaloong and Ma Loong. He has three hearts but his maximum is five. You can upgrade his health by getting health pods on the track. If you double jump he will jump twice as much as usual. His only weakness is pins. You can switch from all the characters and boards.
  • Art Loong
  • Sas Loong Hoopaloong and Ma Loong's daughter and Ba Loong's sister. She has five health bars. If you double jump you can get a lipstick board. With a lipstick board you can shoot lasers when you jump. Only weakness is anything brown.
  • Food Loong. He has five hearts. He has a coke board which you can shoot popcorn out of when you jump. If you find food on the track, it gives him super strength for 10 seconds meaning you can't die for that time. His weakness is rotten food.
  • Art LoongArt Loong has five lives. She has a magic paintbrush and a paint pallet board. Her paintbrush can summon any one of the Loong's to help her on the track. Her weakness is disrespect to any art.
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