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The fart

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The fart
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  • Wait where did you get that knife from? Hey man clam down you're scaring me. Hey dude seriously calm down im about to fall. Please bro, dont want to die.
  • NO!? What do you mean, No? I told you what you wanted to hear, i included our intelligence, you dumb desire to be happy, and i tried to trick you into thinking that I cared about what you cared about. It was the perfect formula, and you should have said yes. No worries, i can do it all by myself, but first, i have to make sure that no one knows about my schemes. That means all loose ends must be dealt with.
  • HUH! What kind of joke wa-uh Oh my. AHHHH!! I don't feel too good. My stomach feels like its about to burst.
  • Fine, just get some help.
  • Dude this is serious, i really think im about to explode right now, my stomach hurts so much. Get some help, please!
  • Haha, just kidding, you should have seen the look on your face.  But that offer was real and if you change your mind you know were to find me.
  • UGH ok, but ill only help you if you agree to work with me.
  • What are you doing? Are you about to give birth to a facehugger or something? (Thats an Alien reference)
  • Oh! It's happening. I can feel it coming. Get ready!
  • Stop joking, this isn't a time to be funny. I need you to take this seriously.
  • Wait, dont leave, i dont want to die alone. Oh no, i think its too late. It feels like someone is punching me in the gut over and over again.
  • You sure, your face is so red it look like a plump tomato.
  • Ok sure, but if you do explode, don't get any on me i don't want to get framed for your murder.
  • *PFFT*
  • Shut up it was really intense and i really thought i was going to combust, but I feel so much bett- Uh oh, its an earthquake. Quick, grab onto something sturdy.
  • Hey, this is very serious, one of us could lose our balance and fa-
  • What was that? You did all that just to fart. HAHAHA Youre so overdramatic.
  • Haha, you farted so loud that you caused an earthquake?
  • Frank i need some help.
  • Can you just help me up?
  • Ill only help you up if you tell me why you don't want to help me with my project.
  • Again? Why do you always need help all of a sudden. You went from being the independent, smartest student that i looked up to, to a weak little boy who cant help himself. Its pathetic
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