Hey bro, thanks for meeting me. I'm so stressed about picking a financing option for the car.
Yeah bro no problem I'm always here for you..... Lets go get some lemonade and talk about this.
First of all the majority of car buyers finance their cars by getting a loan. Usually a car loan requires you to make a down payment. Many buyers will pay some of the cost up front in order to reduce the amount of money to be financed.
Instead of using a loan you might consider leasing. A car lease allows you to use the car for a set period of time. It means you are renting the car you don't own it. A monthly lease payment is commonly less than a monthly car loan payment.
Oof that was a lot to think about but I think I am going to go get a loan.
Oh okay that sounds good. Lets get out of here the animals here are weird.
A few days later Clarence goes to the car dealership to buy his car.
Hey man not looking for anything specific just looking for something I can use to drive to work everyday.
Hey my name is Henry. What kind of vehicle are you looking to purchase sir?
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