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the great depression

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  • The stock market crash of 1929
  • all of the banks are closed?! my life savings are gone...
  • how will i provide my family with food? all of my crops are dying and my farm is gong to go out of service...i won't be able to provide food for anyone!
  • Occupations during the Great Depression
  • i am barely making any money! maybe i should just leave my family. I'm ashamed of myself :(
  • The Great Depression hits farmers
  • where is dad?
  • were hungry and have no food! what are we going to do. will we ever get out of this?
  • The stock market crash happened in 1929 during the great depression. In October the stock market dropped insanely. Public panic in the days after the stock market crash led to hordes of people rushing to the bank to withdraw their funds in a number of "bank runs." Investors were unable to withdraw their money because bank officials had invested the money in the market. Millions of people went homeless from being poor and not being able to buy a place to live or food to give to their families.
  • many of the jobs were cut due to the great depression. the men had very different opportunities than women. very little jobs were available. the main jobs were semi-skilled workers in manufacturing, teachers, domestic servants, nurses, and doctors. many people didn't have training in those types of areas of work so they had to find something else to do. many of the men had to work on loading boats and things similar to that.
  • When the prices fell from the great depression the farmers tried to produce even more crops to pay their debts, taxes and living expenses. In the early 1930s prices dropped so low that many farmers went bankrupt and lost their farms. Many of the farmers struggled because of the dryness, heat, and grasshoppers destroyed the crops, farmers were left with no money to buy groceries or make farm payments.
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