We do not have to remind people how old is the baby. Let´s call him Benjamin.
You are right my dear, it is a better name.
We need to cut your hair son,and dye it as well.
I know mother .
I am not a child, don´t treat me like that. I don´t want milk.
You are a child son, I want you to behave like one . We can play football.
Roger and his wife decided to change the name of Mathusalea for Benjamin.
Hello my grandson. I like being with you.
I enjoy your company granfather.
The Buttons tried to help people forget Benjamin´s age, He was more than 1.7 metters tall.
Come and play with us. Do you want to colour a paper?
No, I don´t. I hate this.
Come on , play with us.
Well Done son. I am proud of you.
Benjamin´s hair was shorter and darker to look younger. His father wanted him to behave like a child.So he gave him toys to play .
I am going to Yale father. I need to go tomorrow to register.
Benjamin did not want to play with children. He prefered to be with his grandfather. They became good friends. They smoked cigars.
Benjamin was 5. He went to kindergarten, but he did not like it. His parents spoke to the teacher and he didn´t go to kindergartden.
With age , Benjamin was getting younger.At the age of 18 he looked like a man of 50.His father sent him to take the test for Yale college .He received a letter . He was accepted in Yale.