Acceptable Conversation- 12 to 24 hours postpartum
Patient and partner worriedPatient in shock and tiredroom s/p delivery, bloodNurse makes a parting statementPhysician with mask on neck, scrubs and scrub cap
Ideal Conversation- 12 to 24 hours postpartum
Patient and partner worriedPatient in shock and tiredroom s/p delivery, bloodNurse makes a parting statementPhysician with mask on neck, scrubs and scrub cap
Medicolegal Didactic
Patient and significant otherPatient crying, significant other firm, tenseClean roomPhysician dressed, makes statements about baby alludes to Shoulder Dystocia
Same sceneryPhysician addresses emotional statusesDiscusses Shoulder Dystocia, babies potential outcomes and next steps
Peter Kolbert
Image Attributions: ( - chrystalizabeth - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (