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Mexican Territory

The Mexican-American War

Admitted into the Union

The Manhattan Project

Roswell UFO Incident

Mexico gains independence from Spain and becomes a Mexican territory.

During the Mexican-American War, U.S. forces under General Stephen Kearny capture New Mexico with little resistance.

New Mexico is admitted to the Union as the 47th state on January 6th.

The Manhattan Project operates in Los Alamos, developing the atomic bomb. In 1945, the first atomic bomb test, Trinity, was conducted near Alamogordo on July 16.

The Roswell UFO incident occurs, becoming a major event in UFO lore.

Historical Events: New Mexico

Mon Jan 01 1821 4:56:02 AMThu Jan 01 1846 4:56:02 AMMon Jan 01 1912 5:00:00 AMThu Jan 01 1942 5:00:00 AMWed Jan 01 1947 5:00:00 AMLegendaČasové Prestávky35 Years {years} Roky a 0 dni

January 6, 1912

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