Many years ago mount cakchiquel erupted and magma came out of it. After some time it cooled down and created igneous rocks.
Sure! lets play hide and seek!
When magma cooled down it created Joey and Sekar. This 2 Igneous rocks became best friends and would play everyday
Hey Sekar! lets play!
After hours of Joey trying to find Sekar, a huge storm came by and formed them into sediments. Joey and Sekar were really sad, they thought there life was over.
i don't know Joey but im scared
Due to weathering and erosion Joey and Sekar were dragged to a pile of huge rocks near the river.
Sekar where are we?
Sekar and Joey were trapped between alot of rocks. Over time they started to get form of a rock again.
look we got our shape back!
Sekar and Joey became Sedimentary rocks after some time.