"To make this look better do this." "change that part." "all you need to do is this."
Okay LT, I will keep this in mind for the other part of this this, thanks!
Hey LT, I like your art!
Teachers desk
Lt' work
My first experience with puberty did not happen now, but later on. This leads to that. I am currently creating a project for steam block, and I finished a hard part of it. I was showing everyone, but then I showed LT. LT was a great artist, so she showed me what I did wrong when others could not.
LT(Crush) who does not know a thing about what's going on
No, I dont like that girl(random person). guys, I am not telling you.
Puberty has yet to start. I am currently turning in my project and I saw Lt's project, simple yet complex. the conversation about that above. not much has really happened when it comes to me and puberty during this time.
LT(Who still does not have a care in the world about what's going on)
Hey guys, can you just stop, I have already told you they are in this classroom and I'm not saying anything else, so stop!
This is when puberty actually starts, and me being a scared little guy I did nothing. I cut off most ties I had with LT. I had a crush on her. this all it was for a few months, until now...
Hey Sam, do you like(person)
DAY 1 The day seemed quite normal until it became 6th period. The classroom, feeling normal and boring, suddenly changed. I was suddenly hit with a barrage of questions! I didn't know what to do or how to act. all I became was a shell of a human who said yes, no, or nothing. I was very embarrassed to be there as my crush was also in the classroom.
Hey Sam, who do you like?
DAY 2: The event of yesterday still flowing through my veins, or rather my cheeks. I was hoping it was over, it was not. I walked into class, just sick of what was happening yesterday, but still, it continued on today. me, annoyed and angry, did my best to evade the questions that everyone was asking, just yesterday.
DAY 3 - NOW: this is the end of the drama parade, well so far at least. not much has changed from yesterday, except the interrogation has mostly stopped, except for a few comments here or there, and that's pretty much it. Not much has changed over the few days this happened. There is still a lot to happen though, in the future.