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Medusa and Perseus

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Medusa and Perseus
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  • I outsmarted the prophecy!
  • Thank you so much for saving me and my son!!
  • All good!
  • With him finally gone I'll be able to marry Danae!!!!
  • I bet you can't get the Gorgon, Medusa's head for me
  • I will get it for you as a gift!
  • Due to a prophecy told to him about how his grandson would kill him, King Acrisius locked his daughter Danae in a room of bronze, but one day he hears a baby cry and opens the room to see Danae holding baby Perseus. He then becomes so mad that he locked them in a chest, and threw them into the sea.
  • Zzzzzzz
  • Fortunately, a kind fisherman named Dictys finds them washed up on the beach, and takes care of them. But his brother found out about Danae and fell madly in love with her!
  • 16 years later...King Polydectes wants to marry Danae but won't because of Perseus, so he challenges Perseus in front of a crowd to get him Medusa's head as a gift. Perseus agrees because he doesn't want his mother to marry him but King Polydectes hopes Perseus will die mid-quest and he'll get to marry her anyway
  • Once Perseus had found the cave he knew he couldn't look without being blinded so he used the shields reflection to guide him towards the gorgons. Once he found them he went straight for Medusa and cut her head off in one clean slice
  • So outraged by the fact that Perseus had managed to kill their sister Medusa the two gorgons chased Perseus across the black sea. But were no match fro Herme's winged sandals.
  • As soon as Perseus got back to the island of Seriphus he told King Polydectes that he had the head of Medusa but Polydectes didn't believe him so he said open your eyes and turned the king as well as all his guests to stone.
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