What should we do for the Expedition y'all?
You Guys Should Go On A Little Trip.
I don't know what should we do Jefferson?
Members Of The Expedition
"Hello I Am Meriwether Lewis"
"Hello I Am William Clark"
Geography Of The Expedition
I know wanna take a break?
We traveled over 8,000 Miles Already!
Their Major goal was to explore the territory and find interesting stuff and that's what they wanted to do for the Expedition they are talking about what they should do for the Expedition.
Native American Interaction
Members Of The Expedition, theres a lot of Members Of The Expedition there's Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, Thomas Jefferson, York, Sergeant Charles Floyd, Toussaint Charbonneau, Sakakawea, And lastly Jean Baptiste, shows them meeting each other.
"Hello We Are Rats"
Geography Of The Expedition, The Team traveled over 8,000 miles, mapping out the geography, keeping journals of animals, plants, and other ecological information, as well as including everything that they could about this new North American uncharted area, but they have been walking about 8,000 miles already.
There was around 50 Native American Tribes that did Crops like the foods to help everyone at the time to not be in hunger for food Thats what this Picture is showing.
Time to get back to work!
There's different kind of Plants in Lewis and Clark's Expedition ill be listing them, Osage Orange. Scientific Name: Maclura Pomifera - Lewis first described this on march 3 1804, now will be listing foods Broad-Leaved gum-plant, Lance-leaved psoralea, Large-Flowered clammyweed, Missouri Milk Vetch, Few-flowered psoralea; scurfy pea, Aromatic Aster, Silver-leaf psoralea; silvery scurfpea, The Scenery shows Plants and what they saw on there Expedition.
What they saw on there Expedition was, The Praire Dog, Pronghorn, Coyote and the jack rabbit, it shows in the Scenery.