Alright everybody, let us head inside and begin the meeting.
Well said my good man!
Hopefully we will resolve these issues
We must all take a vow of silence. Nobody outside of this room should be involved in this. All in favor say "Aye".
I agree!
Articles of Confederation
I think we should replace the Articles with a whole new structure.
I believe I have a way that will solve everyone's problems. I call it, the Virginia Plan
There is one problem with that gentleman. How would we tie it to the government in a way that satisfies everyone?
Both of these gentleman have stated some interesting points. However. Mr.Paterson's idea is just really a step backwards from what we are trying to do here.
I also believe the government should be split into three branches. However, I believe that the number of representatives should be determined based on the population of the state.
I propose that we divide the government into three branches and that each state get 1 vote no matter its size.
Then it is settled, we will go along with Mr. Shermans "Great Compromise"
That idea is not so bad. I say we do it.
I propose that each state gets 2 seats in Congress and then depending on the population of the state, a certain number of representatives.
The slaves have no right being counted.
Gentleman please there is a solution to this. How about only a portion of the slaves in each state be counted. Let's say 3/5?
I vote they not be counted. That only benefits all those in the south.
I vote they be counted!
They are a part of the state population and whether you recongize it or not, they do live among us. So, I vote the be counted.