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Slika Pripisov:

Children ( - Quang Minh (YILKA) - Licenca: Attribution, Non Commercial (

Batteries ( - Razor512 - Licenca: Attribution (

Plants ( - henna lion - Licenca: Attribution, Non Commercial (

stopwatch ( - Search Engine People Blog - Licenca: Attribution (

Bulbs ( - Roo Reynolds - Licenca: Attribution, Non Commercial (

wire ( - Dyroc - Licenca: Attribution (

Windows ( - Stanley Zimny (Thank You for 18 Million views) - Licenca: Attribution, Non Commercial (

Plants ( - Graham S Dean Photography - Licenca: Attribution (

Puzzled ( - Brad Montgomery - Licenca: Attribution (

How does the number of batteries affect brightness?

Number of batteries

Brightness of the bulb

Thickness of wires, size of batteries, type of light bulbs, temperature of the wires

How does the amount of light affect plant growth?

Amount of light

Amount the plant grows

Type of plant, amount of water given to the plant, size of the plant, temperature of the room

How does the age of a student affect the time it takes to complete a jigsaw puzzle?

Age of students

Time it takes the student to complete the puzzle

Difficulty of the puzzle, number of pieces


Independent Variables

Dependent Variables

Controlled Variables

Light's Affect on Plant Growth

Age Affect on Jigsaw Puzzle

Batteries Affect on Brightness

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