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Daily routine during MCO

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Daily routine during MCO
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  • Every morning i will wake up at 6.30 to shower and dawn prayer. But before i go to shower, first thing that i will do is check my phone and tidy my bed to make it look clean.
  • After finishing preparing myself, i would go to the kithen to eat my breakfast that was made by my mom. Than, i will wash the plates after eating because i do not want to burden my mom.
  • Then, i will prepare myself for the class online using Google Meet or Telegram. By using this application, we can learn from home and meet my friend from this way because we cannot meet face to face.
  • When class is over, i will spend time with family like my mom to watch dramas on television. On this way, i also will able to chat with my family. So our relationship will always be close.
  • After spend time with family , i will do my homework that was given by lecturer. After completing the homework, i will do revision of my subjects that was i learn.
  • Then, i will go to bed to relax and chatting with friend on my social media. When i already sleepy, i will turn off all my social media then sleep.
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