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  • User interact to ATM. Display a welcome message and waiting card to be inserted.
  • Welcome to Acme Bank. Please insert your card and enter your account number in the User Input. Press Enter (E) when done
  • E
  • None
  • Balance
  • Terminate
  • User insert card and type in their account number. After verification, user can make transaction such as checking balance, deposit and withdraw by clicking the buttons.
  • Welcome to Acme Bank Alex, AndersonPlease select transaction by using the buttons.
  • Deposit
  • Withdraw
  • Fast Cash
  • E
  • None
  • Balance
  • Terminate
  • For example, user click the first button located at right hand side. It leads to the deposit transaction. Type in the amount that wanted to deposit then press enter.
  • Please enter amount to deposit and press Enter (E) when done
  • Deposit
  • Withdraw
  • Fast Cash
  • E
  • None
  • Balance
  • Terminate
  • After the transaction has completed, the transaction successful message will appear and user can continue to the next action.
  • $150 DepositedWelcome to Acme Bank Alex, AndersonPlease select transaction by using the buttons.
  • Deposit
  • Withdraw
  • Fast Cash
  • E
  • None
  • Balance
  • Terminate
  • If user pressed the third button located at left hand side. The session will be terminate and user's card will be returned. User can take the card and go home.
  • Your session has been terminated due to inactivity or menu selection. Please take your card Goodbye!
  • Deposit
  • Withdraw
  • Fast Cash
  • E
  • Everything will be reset after the user terminate the session and back to the welcome message.
  • Welcome to Acme Bank. Please insert your card and enter your account number in the User Input.Press Enter (E) when done
  • E
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