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96 Miles

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96 Miles
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  • Exposition
  • Conflict / Rising Action
  • Climax
  • Two brothers named John and Stewart are at home in a town called Lund in Nevada. They are both home alone because their father is on a business trip.
  • Falling Action
  • Brighton Ranch 2 miles
  •  Power goes out on the whole west side of the United States including the town of Lund John and Stewart then get robbed of all their supplies resulting in them having to walk 96 miles to a place named Brighton ranch where their friends are. On the way they meet two new friends.
  • Resolution
  • Stewart gets sick and needs medication so his brother John is forced to walk the rest of the way to the ranch. When john makes it to the ranch he encounters his friend who attacks him and then John manages to get out of the attack and he meets his friend jess who gives him the medication and they set off to return for Stewart.
  • Name / Book / Author / Genre
  • By Noah BarrantesBook by J.L. EsplinBook: 96 MilesGenre: Fiction
  • When John and Jess arrive to the place where John left his friends and brother they find them and give the medication to Stewart.
  • Stewart can finally walk now so they all get in the truck and head for safety to Brighton ranch where they can all recover.
  • The End
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