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Anxiety Storyboard

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  • I'm Justin!
  • This is Justin and Bob. Let's take a look at their genetic dispositions!
  • I'm Bob!
  • According to the genetic make-ups of the two boys, both have a mutation within the serotonin transporter gene 5 HTTLPR that makes the gene shorter.
  • I live a very stabilized and balanced life. My parents are happily married and show me constant love.
  • I live a very unbalanced life. My mom is the only parent in my life and she works multiple jobs to take care of my siblings and I. I mostly just stay in my room.
  • Certain environmental factors can trigger illnesses like anxiety when predisposed to this gene. Let's see how they do at school.
  • Introduction to anxiety (not pictured). Background of our characters.
  • ...So class, this is why e=mc^2
  • Explaining that both characters in our example have a mutation within the serotonin transporter gene 5 HTTLPR that makes the gene shorter. This mutation has been linked to the development of depression and anxiety.
  • Uhh...Albert Einstein was a...scientist...I think...
  • Justin comes from an affectionate and loving household...
  • Ew! NERD ALERT! Yeah, we're talking to you, Justin!! HAHA!
  • ...Bob comes from a single parent household with high stress...
  • What seems to be the problem, Justin?
  • Thank you for telling me, I'll take care of it.
  • Henry was bullying me in the hallway.
  • ...let's see how these environmental factors combined with their genetic background affect the boys' lives.
  • Henry! In my office NOW! I demand an apology.
  • Justin is very confident and outspoken in his presentation. His parents helped him prepare well.
  • Henry was teasing me today so I told Principal Smith and he took care of it.
  • Bob did not prepare well for his speech and did not exhibit confidence.
  • Justin knew to tell a trusted adult when getting bullied. Let's see how Bob reacts in a similar situation.
  • Justin deals with a bully...
  • Bob! HAHA! What kind of name is THAT?! You're so stupid! Just like your mom!! HAHA!
  • ...and handles it well by telling a trusted adult...
  • POW!! Down goes Henry!
  • ...who helps resolve the issue.
  • I'm very disappointed in you, Bob. You are hereby suspended!
  • Justin receives positive reinforcement from his parents.
  • We're sorry you had to go through that, son. You did the right thing. We love you and are so proud of you.
  • ...
  • When Bob gets bullied, he tries to handle the matter himself...
  • ...and escalates the situation by starting a fight.
  • As a consequence, Bob is suspended.
  • Honey, what happened?
  • Leave me alone, Mom!
  • Ok, Bob.
  • My anxiety is getting worse and worse...I never want to go back to school.
  • It is important to continue to make efforts to learn about anxiety, possible ways of prevention...
  • ...and normalize treatments like therapy.
  • Thanks for watching!
  • The interaction of certain environmental and genetic factors plays a major role in anxiety and how it forms.
  • Bob does not want to talk to his mom about his feelings, but feels he has no one to turn to.
  • Bob now feels anxious about going back to school, especially since nothing has been resolved with the bully.
  • Conclusion: we must keep doing research about anxiety and its implications...
  • a society we should work to diminish the stigma with mental illness and treatments like therapy.
  • Conclude by explaining the importance of the genetic and environmental interaction.
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