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The Pentecost Comic

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The Pentecost Comic
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  • Are not all these who are speaking Galileans?
  • How is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native languages?
  • The Tongues of Fire...
  • Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, Cyrene, Rome, Jews, proselytes, Crestans, and Arabs.
  • They are filled with new wine.
  • What does this mean?
  • Peter goes on to defend them...
  • They are not drunk. God is pouring out his spirit. He will sign on the Earth below on the signs of wind, fire, and smokey mist before the coming of the Lord. The ones who call out on the Lords name shall be saved. Jesus had the knowledge of God, but you crucified him; then God freed him of death
  • David saw the Lord, his heart was glad, his tongue was rejoiced and he, our ancestor lived in hope. His, and our souls will not be abandoned to Hades; and his is tomb is with us to this day.
  • We are all witnesses. David did not ascend, he sits at Gods right hand. God has made Jesus, the man whom you crucified, the messiah and the Lord.
  • Brothers, what should we do?
  • Repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus; then you'll recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit and your sins will be forgiven. This is promised for you, your children and for all. Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.
  • The people living in holy
  • Love for all!
  • We praise you Lord for your greatness and power, as more are added to the number of those that will be saved.
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