Saturn, the king of gods, began swallowing his children (Neptune god of the sea, Pluto god of the underworld, Ceres goddess of Earth, agriculture and fertility, Juno queen goddess of marriage and childbirth & Vesta goddess of the hearth, home and family, from left to right) after being warned his children would overthrow him.
So when Saturn's wife, Ops, the goddess of Earth and fertility, was pregnant with Jupiter (king god of sky and thunder), she gave birth to him secretly and moved him to Crete. Instead of giving Saturn the baby to eat, she gave him a stone wrapped in baby clothes.
When Jupiter grew up, he made Saturn regurgitate his siblings whom worked with him to overthrow Saturn.
Along with the Cyclops and Hundred-handed giants, Jupiter and his siblings declared war on the titans (left to right & top to bottom: Gods: Saturn-agriculture, Iapetus-mortality, Ocean-fresh water, Hyperion-light, Krios-constellations, Polus-inquisitive mind. Goddesses: Tethys-freshwater, Ops-Earth & fertility, Justitia-justice, Phoebe-intellect, Dione-oracle, Moneta-memory). The titans were defeated then trapped in Tartarus (deepest underworld region where gods trapped enemies).
This deemed Jupiter the new king of the gods. Jupiter and his brothers then divided the world into three parts, Jupiter obtaining the heavens (making him the god of sky and thunder), Neptune the sea and Pluto the underworld.
(Left-Right, Top-Bottom) Jupiter fathered Vulcan (god of fire), Bellona (goddess of war) & Juventas (goddess of youth & rejuvenation) with his sister Juno (chief goddess & goddess of love & marriage). He impregnated Alcmene (mortal princess) with Hercules (god of strength & heroes) & gave birth to Minerva (goddess of wisdom, war, art, schools, justice & commerce) from his head after Metis (Titan goddess of good counsel, planning, cunning & wisdom) conceived her inside his head.
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