Why am i being taxed on this paper? I am working very hard and i am still being taxed. This is not fair!
im sorry! its not my fault! brittan is taxing you guys to pay for the war.
Boston Tea Party
No taxation without representation!
This is not fair!
Quartering Acts
Get out of my house!
I can stay here becuase brittan passed the quartering acts.
The Stamp Act War was a major part of the Colonial Era because it was when people were being taxed on paper so brittan could pay for the war.
The Boston Masscar
Why did you shoot them?
The Boston Tea Party was a major part of the Colonial Era because this whas when the American Colonists had been taxed on tea. They were mad about this and decided to throw the cheap tea Brittan had sent in into the Boston Harbor.
The Boston Port Act
Im sorry, you cant pass. Brittan has closed the Boston ports due to all the protesting the American colonists have done.
The Quartering Acts where a major part of the Colonial Era becuase this was when Brittish Soldiers were allowed to stay in the American Colonists homes without permission.
The Tea Act
Can i buy this tea please?
The Boston Masscar was a major part of the Colonial era becuase it was when the American colonists were protesting for their rights and two men fried a gun and it killed several people.
It was an accident! I didnt mean for it to hit them.
The Boston Port Act was an important part of the Colonial era becuase this is one of teh ways brittan punished the American colonists after they boycoted against the other taxes that they had pushed upon them.
What? Thats not fair!
The Tea Act was an important part of teh Colonial era becuase it was the first act that was passed. The tea act was when Brittan taxed all tea in the Colonies.
Okay, that tea will be texed. Brittan has taxed all tea.