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The Middle Ages

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The Middle Ages
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  • Magna Carta
  • Christianity Grows and Spreads
  • Feudalism: A New Social Order
  • I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this. My life is so hard. I own nothing and work 6 days a week.
  • On June 15, 1215, King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta which protected the rights of the people and limited his power. The Magna Carta stated that the king was not above the law of the land and developed a tradition of self-government unique to Europe. It led to the origins of Parliament and became one of the most important documents in the history of democracy.
  • One thing that survived the fall of Rome was Christianity. Many Germanic leaders and their subjects converted to Christianity, like Clovis, one of the leaders of the Franks. A few generations later, a new ruler, named Charlemagne, took over. He built a huge empire, and spread Christianity through his conquests. He sometimes forced his subjects into converting to Christianity.
  • Feudalism was a social system developed after Charlemagne's death, in which people worked and fought for nobles who gave them protection and the use of land in return. The four classes of the feudal system are kings, lords, knights, and peasants/serfs. The nobles had land given to them by the Crown in exchange for military service and serfs got food, protection and shelter to farm the land and pay rent.
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