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Serve On A Jury

Run For Public Office

Stay Informed Of Current Events

I can participate in a democracy by voting. Voting allows me to be an active member of my society by choosing the candidates that I feel are best for this state and country.

I can participate in a democracy by serving on a jury. Serving on a jury is one of the most powerful roles for a citizen in a democracy. Jury's determine the life,liberty, and pursuit of happiness for their fellow citizens.

For citizens that wish to improve their society, they can run for public office. Citizens that are elected to public office can work to improve the lives, jobs, living conditions, and a variety of other factors for the citizens in their society.

Staying informed of local, national, and global events is a vital role for a citizen in a democracy. The more educated citizens are in a democracy, the more they will be able to define and solve the problems that their society faces.

I Can Make A Difference!

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School Board

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Za najboljšo izkušnjo uporabljamo piškotke, Politika zasebnosti