Well some what you said are right but this Great Flood story is about Lord of the sea taking revenge to a single person only, they didn't build an ark nor did they save some animals.
Theres this question in the test earlier about describing the great flood.
Here let me tell you a summary about the story. The story starts when Aponi-tolau, God-hero of the tingians abducted humitau. One of the sea maiden of Tau-mari-u. Tua-mari-u was mad so he planned to punish all land dwellers by flood. Lang-an of kadalayapan, mistress of the wind, rain, and the mother of Aponi-Tolau, knew the plan so he warned his son to go to the highest peak of the Cordillera Mountains for safety.
I can't recall any great flood stories from the Philippine Literature so I just answered the biblical story of Noah's Ark because for me all of the Great Flood are all based to it.
Flood came back but it stops when Humitau imploded Tau-mari-u to save her. Then when the water subsided, Aponi-tolau and his wife went down and from them came the people of the world.
I should've studied, I failed the test miserably.
I didn't know that such story exist in our Literature.
Well yeah you should've studied about it. Anyway it's time for me to leave, I have to deal with my next class and do some activities.