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  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • I swear I'm the queen of light!
  • Where's my mom?!
  • Rising Action
  • I'll prove to everyone that I'm not bad.
  • I'll help you
  • Rielle is the queen of blood and Eliana is a bounty hunter that kills to survive. (Rielle left, Eliana right)
  • Climax
  • I am the queen of light (lie)
  • You are the true queen of light
  • The problem is that Eliana's mother went missing and she is trying to find her. The other one is that Rielle is found out to be one of two queens. One of the queens is made of blood, the other one of light. Rielle has to prove that she is not the one made of blood.
  • Falling Action
  • I'm going crazy!
  • My mother died!?!
  • To find her mother, Eliana teams up with a suspicious guy that makes a deal with her to help find her mother. They have to go through a lot of trouble to find her mother. Rielle has to go through a series of trials to prove that she is not the queen made of blood. They are hard, scary, and life-threatening challenges.
  • Resolution
  • In the dungeons for you! Die all of you bahahahaha!
  • FIneeeeee. I'll be the sun queen.
  • Rielle beats the challenges but is starting to show signs that she may be the blood queen after all. She lies though, and is crowned queen of light. After months of traveling. Eliana gets captured and gets visited by a ghost. The ghost tells her that she is the actual queen of light.
  • There is a big battle at Rielle’s home city and she is greeted by another ghost that is trying to manipulate her. Rielle is starting to go crazy. Eliana is freed from the prison and realizes that her mother has died.
  • Rielle is ruling the kingdom, but still going crazier and crazier. Even though Eliana doesn’t want to, she agrees to be the queen of light. This is where the book ends, it is a three-part series.
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