Nonetheless, Leto was able to give birth to twins,ArtemisandApollo.
Python was the child of Gaea, the earth. According to Greek mythology,Delphiwasthecenter of the earthand thus, Python was theguardian of the Delphi.
after having adrinkcalledambrosia,Apolloimmediately transformed into a man.
When Hera discovered thatLeto, the daughter of TitansCoeusandPhoebe,was pregnant withthechildof Zeus her husband, she became furious with jealousy and shesent Python to killLeto.
In order to avenge the trouble given to his motherwhile she was pregnant, the young Apollo immediately set out to kill the serpentwith hissilver bowandgolden arrowsthat he had received fromHephaestus, the blacksmith.
Apollo went to the creature’s cave and pierced him right on its forehead, leading to Python’s death.
After this act of vengeance, Apollo took the creature andburied it under the slopes of Mount Parnassusandbuilt the oracle of Delphi, the most famous oracle of ancient Greece.
Apollo’s role as the slayer of the Python led to his association with battle and victory.