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Parable Religion assesment

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Parable Religion assesment
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  • Matthew 20:1-16 Workers of the Vineyard
  • Ok
  • Hi, want to come work at my vineyard and I will pay you.
  • Yes, Thank you
  • Sure
  • Of course
  • Come and Work at my Vineyard and I will pay you well.
  • The Parable is about how it is never too late to follow in Jesus and that we all gain the same benefits for those who covert to Christianity early and those late, but to never be jealous.
  • Do you want to work at my Vineyard and I will pay you what is right
  • Yes, Thank you
  • I would love to
  • One day a landowner of a vineyard went out early in the morning to go and hire workers, then pay the for their work. He then showed them to his vineyard.
  • Here you go
  • Thanks
  • He went out to the markets again and saw to people standing still and asked them if they wanted to work at his Vineyard and they pay them right.
  • This is very unfair
  • Are you Jealous of my generosity?
  • Why are they being paid more?
  • Then for another time he went out during the afternoon were he went out and hired more employees to pay once they worked at his Vineyard.
  • After he got his assistant to help by calling all the workers back to receive their pay for the day.
  • When they all were paid the same, the workers from the start of Day were mad at the landowner and thought they would be paid more than the people from only one half of the day. He just said they were jealous of his generosity.
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